
The Bliss Project

Unlock ancestral knowledge that guides you to a soul aligned life. Live your bliss timeline. New Moon Letters, audio downloads, and blog posts inspiring the bliss lifestyle and sharing channeled messages.

October New Moon Letter

Welcome to spooooky season! Let's swim through dark waters Today arrived and I was genuinely curious what would be this month's New Moon message. It is always an intuitively guided message that I share. Nothing major has been coming through as my energy has been in a "void" cycle, A.K.A. pause and ground. However, while riding my bike through the fall colors and dipping sun of Vermont, a thought came to me. I felt my energy being drawn to the dark side of life. Earlier I had been riding...
woman holding a flower

September New Moon Letter 2024

Welcome to this month's New Moon Letter! Grab a favorite beverage, get comfy and let's dive in! Looking back on the month of August... It went by so fast. A lot happened within the world beneath the surface, and beyond the world with the higher realms of the universe. This physical Earth plane will begin to reflect those changes and shift in its own way as we transition into September. Sometimes it can feel like we are just trying to get to the next golden moment. Or maybe we are waiting for...

The Space Between : August New Moon Letter 2024

The space between Welcome to the August New Moon Letter This month's letter comes from the depths of my own process and current experience. Scroll down for a channeled audio message and some highlights of July. At the bottom of the email is an opportunity to share a donation if you feel inspired to do so. Grab a favorite beverage, get comfy and let's dive in! Where I am right now, is that liminal space. I'm between worlds of the old and the new. What is a sustainable approach to experiencing...

Be in the dark: channeled message of the day

Today's channeled message This one has been coming in for me and I know what I'm going through, many others will resonate with too. Be in the dark The dark has so much to offer us, when we just be there. It's also a place that we can get caught up in our fears and worry. It is the unknown space. It is also the place of death, creation, and birth. The space between worlds. It is the place where miracles and magic springs forth. I say this because I know deep in me we get to choose our...

June 2024 New Moon Letter

June's monthly email was shared via flodesk before I switched email platforms to ConvertKit. Below is a link to read messages from June.

Depths of darkness - navigating New Moon shadows

July 5th, 2024 - New Moon Letter What's included Messages and guidance for the new moon What's currently on my bookshelf Links to recommended resources Erika's highlights of the month Featured blog post For this month's new moon message, let's dive into my dream journal One was male and one was female. I interpreted both were possibly dangerous. The male I held away from me and grasped around its jaw to keep it from lunging and attacking. This snake had sharp teeth and a large rounded head. I...